Videos/Success Stories


Success Stories

“This has been the best investment in my 20 years”   Dave Spedding, Chief Operating Officer

Customer Profile

UNICEF Canada is a Canadian charity supported entirely by voluntary donations. One of 36 National Committees around the world, UNICEF Canada plays a vital role in generating fundraising revenue, public support and awareness. Advocates for the protection and realization of children’s rights in over 190 countries regardless of race, religion or politics because nowhere is too far to go to help a child survive.


In 2013, UNICEF Canada decided it could no longer split donation processing between a 3rd party vendor and internal operations. They needed a way to get their donations to those in need faster, the decision to go “All-in” or “All-out” had to be made.  Countless hours were being spent importing and cleaning data which lead to slower donor response and results reporting. Dave Spedding, Chief Operating Officer, knew that donation processing needed a single platform to achieve operational efficiency.

The Result

UNICEF Canada turned to Contact Innovations to provide a seamless image-based in-house solution that could handle all of their day-to-day and emergency donations.


UNICEF Canada is now processing all donations in-house using Contact Innovations ImageArchive Remittance software. Initial thoughts that there would be a lot of growing pains quickly vanished when the entire volume of 3rd party donations were supported by just a half FTE. Donations were being processed so quickly that often time’s donor receipts were ready before their cheque cleared. Donations were making their way into the bank faster and donors were able to see how quick their donation was able to help. Projections turned into real numbers and their staff was able to see the result of their efforts.

Contact Innovations ImageArchive Remittance has enabled UNICEF Canada to optimize the speed in which it’s donations reach those in need, building on their commitment of determination and unparalleled reach.

Quick Quotes

“What took 6 to 10 days to process before is now being done in 24 hours”

“Projections have turned into real numbers”

“We have realized huge time and cost savings in our exception processing”

“Our last emergency created over $3 million in extra dollars and the system handled it without any overflow”

“Setting up appeals has never been easier. Speed and cost  savings have resulted in increased flexibility”

“We are able to provide a consistent donor experience and get their donations to those in need faster”

Cathy Memah, Manager Donor Engagement &  Administration